What if you didn’t have to be perfect to “bee” Loved?

Because you don’t have to be! There’s a wide spectrum of emotions (different facets of love, happiness, grief, loneliness, frustration, longing, etc.) fluttering in the world right now that get in the way of feeling loved. What you feel is valid. Bee In A Poet’s Garden has a delightful variety of heart-warming illustrated poetry to take you on a colorful adventure to explore them all.

$20.22 USD

I hope whatever inspiration you find in this book, you’re able to share it with others in your life. We can all continue to inspire each other together.
— Amee Bee

Let’s get found in love…

Let’s get found in love 

Find ourselves 

In moments

We thought were 


That childlike feeling

Of longing, wishing

Hoping, waiting

wanting loving

Lost to the imbalance 

Of constant Adulting.

Free E-Book: A Poet’s Bouquet

Please sign up to receive future book updates and especially your free gift! An e-book, A Poet’s Bouquet. Take a short magical adventure into poetry written and illustrated with love by Amee Bee.

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